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  God Calls  God Calls, Us To Worship Him.  The purpose of worshiping God is for us to put God in the right place in our hearts.  We must give him plenty of time in our lives; we must recognize that He is the creator of the Universe, and our creator. All that exists is there thanks to God. John 4:24 God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. The basic reason why our worship should be spiritual is found in this verse God is Spirit. It makes sense to think that God looks for people who praise Him according to his nature, people who worship Him in the spirit. In the times of Jesus, the Jewish people had the knowledge of the spirit nature of God, but they were missing the very important aspect of worship. The link between God and his people. We must be aware all of the time how we worship GOD; must focus in the words we say, when we pray, when we sing, and in all the time we spend in communion with Him. Revelation 22:9 Then he said to me, See that you